All Quartets Radio

We Design Our Programming Around YOUR Schedule Music, music, music! That’s what YOU get anytime you click on to All Quartets Radio. We play 460 songs a day, so whether it is day or night, YOU will hear what YOU want and need: Southern Gospel quartet music. IT IS HERE for YOU, 24 hours a day, seven days a week year around. There are no talk shows or news programs. You can get them on a lot of other stations. Whenever you tune in, you get 4 part Southern Gospel harmony lovingly presented by a quartet loving DJ with one of the richest, deepest voices in radio today. He is very professional, yet very friendly and personal as he gives the song title and artist at the end of every song. That DJ is Carl Ramsey, who has honed his ability to communicate with you and other listeners through 46 years in radio and television. Carl doesn’t get paid to do the announcing. He makes his living doing network radio news for United News and Information ( He is more than an expert at