In December of 1983, Joe & Art Corum purchased the local Ava radio station. KKOZ 1430 AM had been under Art & Joe's operation for 7 years when the brothers put KKOZ FM on the air in 1990. The new FM radio station allowed KKOZ to broadcast its local news, weather, and sports to more of its surrounding area, commonly known as Cause Country. The Corum Brothers have spent many hours in Cause Country making KKOZ and KKOZ FM the friendly and informative news source that it is today.After 17 years, the Corum Family moved KKOZ's studios from the second story on the North side of the Ava Square to 306 N.E. 2nd Avenue. KKOZ stayed in these studios until the Harlin House located across the street became available. The new studios are equipped with state of the art technology, and are more easily accessible to the public. The staff at KKOZ welcomes those in Cause Country to come and see the KKOZ Radio Station.