Rhode Island's leading non-commercial radio station, WRIU is the sonic embodiment of the independent spirit that spurred the creation of the state (and later inspired the whole nation… you know… that independent spirit).A broadcast service of the University of Rhode Island, WRIU is managed by a student-run Executive Board and staffed by many dedicated student and community volunteers. Our offices and broadcast facilities are located on the third floor of the Memorial Union on URI's Kingston campus.The station operates a 3500 Watt FM station broadcasting at 90.3 FM from a transmitter located on the URI campus to all of Rhode Island, as well as parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Long Island, NY, and worldwide via our Internet webcast. It also operates an online training station serving both the URI community and the entire world via an Internet webcast.WRIU is completely non-commercial, and receives all of its funding from three sources: the students of the University of