Huon FM
HuonFM was established to provide a voice for the youth of the Geeveston area in 1979. Origilly called 7RGY (Regiol Geeveston Youth) the station soon grew to become a vibrant and viable voice for the whole of the Huon Valley and Channel areas of southern Tasmania.The station was the brainchild of a teacher at the Geeveston District High School, Peter Johnston. He saw a school radio station as a valuable and enlightening learning tool for the students. Equipment was sourced from radio station 7HO and various services.The studio was set up and operated for approximately 11.5 years at the school. During the first 5 years it was operated solely by students under the supervision of Peter Johnston with the encouragement and occasiol participation of then Principal – now Station Mager – Rod Gray.There was a free range of programmes including a lot of rock music of the era played by the students. Broadcasting hours were then restricted to a few hours after school each day and during the school