Who are we – some quick facts * The first radio station aimed at broadcasting to the Macarthur region * Owned & Operated by the d by the Macarthur Community for the entire community * Membership is open to all. Individuals and groups in the Macarthur region are entitled to full voting rights * We are staffed and operated entirely by volunteers * We first went to air in 1989 * Our full-time licence was issued in April 2001 * We broadcast 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Our aims * Support the development of and the ongoing provision of Community Broadcasting services within Campbelltown, Camden & Wollondilly. * Support the principle of local autonomy in the provision and control of community broadcasting services. * Promote the principles of independence in programming, diversity of programming, access to broadcasting facilities, diversity of opinion and views which enable the fullest expression of the aspirations and culture of the Australian people and the Macarthur region in par