Station history In the beginning To faithfully trace the history of 2RRR, you must draw a time line beginning in 1972 with the election of the Whitlam government. This election facilitated the birth of community radio, as the government called for public broadcasting tenders. In the ensuing Fraser years, the medium grew, albeit slowly, and by the mid-1980s there was a plethora of public radio stations in Australia, mainly in Sydney and Melbourne.2RRR was the brainchild of a few local residents; Jane Grey, Sheila Swain and the late Hunters Hill Alderman Moira Baird. Jane Grey was Ryde's Community Information Librarian and an executive member of the Ryde-Hunters Hill Health and Welfare Services Co-ordinating Committee.Inspired by a speech by Michael Law to Friends of the ABC and frustrated by communication problems at the grassroots, Jane Grey floated the notion of community radio for Ryde and Hunters Hill. Although she admits to conceiving the idea, Jane attributes much of the succe