Awaz FM
Awaz FM serves the Asian and African population in Glasgow, broadcasting in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, Paharhi and Swahili delivering entertainment, news local, national and community information. It also covers particular faiths – Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam. We celebrate the various religious days including Christmas, Easter, Navratri, Holi, Ramadhan, all the Guru holy days, Nigar Kirten, Diwali and Milad Nabi.Awaz FM is a Community Radio Station setup as part of a year long license in 2001 and on August 7th 2001, we were invited by the Radio Authority (Ofcom) to apply for the PILOT License Scheme. On April 15th 2002 we started our technical tests and went live on Air Monday 29th April 2002 for one full year.Awaz FM works with many organisations including Glasgow City Council, Greater Glasgow Health Board, Community Planning Partnership, Strathclyde Police, Fire Brigade, Scottish Goverment, Cemvo, Gara and West of Scotland Racial Equality Council in delivering their