Dirt Lab Audio
Dark Wax Radio has a new look! We are now known as Dirt Lab Audio. Dirt Lab Audio is the only internet station in the world dedicated topromoting dark Drum & Bass. Working with unsigned artists & new labelsenables us to give listeners the freshest talent the dark DnB scene has tooffer.Our 'Airplay For Promotion' exchange agreement with artists and labelsmeans the stations running costs are kept at a minimum whilst givingdark drum & bass world wide exposure.Dirt Lab Audio is an internet station streaming 24/7 dark & filthyDrum & Bass. Providing non stop dark dnb to the masses for 3 yearsas Dark Wax Radio we now continue with a new name & website. Lockon to the stream any time of day via our website to hear everythingfrom tear-out filth to moody minimal.The forum is a great source of information with sections for mixes,new releases & events. Join up & add your mix or event.We have heavy resident DJ's providing the filth week in week out. Detai