Gothville Radio
As a non-profit organization we started in the beginning of this century. In 2005 we started with an on-line streaming project where we broadcast dark goth-scene related music over the internet. With a random play list, and real DJ's creating their own play lists we create 24h/24h a day a non-stop radio where all sub genres get their attention. The organization got also legal in 2005. Because we're originated in Belgium (Europe) our official name is GothVille vzw. V.Z.W. stands for "Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk" which is dutch and simply translated as "Non-Profit Organization". Our goal is to promote the Gothic subculture (and yes we know, Gothic is for some not a subculture), and the related music scene.In 2008 we had some serious second thoughts about our projects. The work in real life was taking so much time there was not many time left for the project. But a new vibe somewhere in our heads turned off these thoughts and we decided to go further. And th