La Voix Du Liban
Founded in 1975, the Voice of Lebanon was then the first commercial radio to ever broadcast in Lebanon. Drawing on its tank of highly qualified personnel, it has always given the best in the fields of news, political forums, interviews, music, social issues, sketches, culture, games, and broadcast theater. Radio Voice of Lebanon is owned by an independent Lebanese shareholding company, the Societe Moderne d’Information SAL. The Voice of Lebanon currently broadcasts on the following FM wavelengths: Beirut: 93.3 MHz. Northern Lebanon: 93.6 MHz Southern Lebanon: 93.1 MHz. Beqaa: 93.1 MHz. In addition to its online presence, VDL is being relayed in Canada by the Middle East Radio, and by several other ethnic radios throughout the world. In Beirut, the Voice of Lebanon retransmits live, the Arabic news of Radio Canada International "RCI", Deutsche Welle (DW), and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) through a partnership agreement with the three stations. In Lebanon we say