MaxDance (called MaxDance FM at the time) started as a hobby/idea back in 2003 by Juan J Arroyo (aka JJ), by late 2003 it had become reality, but far from the 24h service we have now back then we only operated between 3-4 hours in the evening, Monday to Friday and between 5 to 24h at weekend.During this period we had grown not only in our broadcasting times but in our popularity and this led us to start to offer more exclusive content like artist interviews and exclusive material and so on.Sadly towards the middle/end of 2005 it was decided to close the station and take it off air, this was a business decision as at the time it was the best option open to us, this left the fans, listeners and presenters in a difficult position.In February 2009 we started to do some test broadcasting witch was successful and this led to us on the 24th February 2009 to re-launch as MaxDance (minus the FM), with an automated playlist with user request service.The new automated playlist and user request se