Radio Katanga
A good month ago, Tom started in radio news department in the Katanga. "Instead of the gazette to read e da Ralphken we'd better do it yourself". And Tom sat daily in the studio to break the news to read that he had composed himself. Press conferences we went to go and events we did with the micro in his hand. Tom was ultimately responsible for that streeknieuws, and his lyrics and provide reading material for a daily average of 200 spins streeknieuws on the website. In one months time we were recognized by colleagues from the press and we were again taken seriously as free Aalst, Aalst radio station.On Friday, January 28, 2011 Tom died completely unexpected on the age of 24. As with all other associations where he committed himself, is now an empty, quiet place at the place where Tom was doing his thing.Tom, we'll put your work more on the way you did, with the same enthusiasm and jourlistic passion that you did not listen at doors where we could enter our "pres