North Carolina Public Radio®-WUNC Find North Carolina Public Radio on teresstrial radio at 91.5 FM in the Chapel Hill/Raleigh/Durham area, on 88.9 FM Manteo, serving the North East outer banks and coastal communities, and on 90.9 FM from Rocky Mount serving portions of "Down East" North Carolina and Sandhills (see coverage map below). The station also streams 24/7 online in mp3, Windows Media and Real Audio. Also, you can find out more about our telephone and mobile services.North Carolina Public Radio Mission StatementWUNC strives to influence public life by focusing on civic and cultural issues. Our goal is to be connected with the community. The station provides consistently high quality public service programming presented with integrity. WUNC creates original programming that reflects the diversity and range of opinion in North Carolina.WUNC Radio Donor Information Security ProceduresDonor privacy and security is a top priority for WUNC Radio. Gifts received during on-