About Us Home ¬ªAbout Us We are decentralized public (OPD) of the Guerrero state government, administers the public broadcaster in the state. Our slogan "I'ma Warrior" is intended to promote the values ‚Äã‚Äãof identity that we all were born in this wonderful state, aims to bring the tireless fighter and we have within us to succeed in everything we undertake. A person born in Guerrero, feels a deep pride in their roots, never denies that is native to this land and strives to do something for their peers.In "I am Warrior," we are convinced we have enough elements to show the world the value of our historical background, the truth about our inner struggles, and especially the power of our people to realize any project.We land of winners, are tireless fighters land, land of dreams are made … All in a clear concept we can say with pleasure and pride: I Guerrero.