Miss 103 – WMSI-FM
he Mississippi Historical Society's annual meeting will be held March 3-5 at the Old Capitol Museum in Jackson. Presentation topics will include the Freedom Riders, cotton and race,longtime Speaker of the Mississippi House Walter Sillers, Mississippi inLiberia, and local history projects. The winner of the McLemore Prizefor best book will be announced Friday, March 4, at the banquet, and theBettersworth Award for outstanding history teacher will be announced onMarch 5 at the awards luncheon.Registration cost for the annual meeting is $50 for individuals and $65for couples, or for MHS members $25 for individuals and $30 for couples.Registration forms are available here<http://mdah.state.ms.us/senseofplace/2011/01/10/2011-mhs-mtg/>. Formore information call 601-576-6849 or email mhs@mdah.state.ms.u