95.3 KUIC – KUIC
Since 1973, KUIC has had a tradition of quality, consistent broadcasting and commitment to the Solano, Contra Costa, Napa, and Yolo communities. Our format is considered "Adult Contemporary."In addition to music, 95.3 KUIC offers up-to-date news, traffic, and activities of interest to compliment the lifestyle of today’s “active” adult listener.We encourage you to contact us via e-mail, over the phone, or by using snail mail.95.3 KUIC555 Mason Street Suite 245Vacaville, Ca. 95688Contest Line: (707) 448-KUIC 1-800-698-KUICBusiness Line: (707) 446-0200Fax: (707)446-0122News/Traffic Line: (707) 447-NEWS (6397)To find out more about a particular area of KUIC, e-mail of the department heads listed below:KUIC General Managergm@kuic.com KUIC Sales Managersales@kuic.com KUIC Program Directorprogramming@kuic.com KUIC Promotions Directorpromotions@kuic.com KUIC Webstaffwebstaff@kuic.com