Audio Journal
Audio Journal is Central Massachusetts' radio reading service for individuals who are print disabled. We provide information, education and entertainment to those who, for any reason, are unable to access the printed page. We serve not only those who are totally blind, but also those who are legally blind or have any visual impairment or physical disability. A print disability prevents one from holding printed materials. Common causes include paralysis, arthritis, stroke, AIDS, multiple sclerosis,cerebral palsy and Parkinson's disease, just to name a few.Radio Reading Services began in Minnesota in 1969 when a blind executive realized that the same technology which transmits Muzak could be used to transmit information to people with visual impairments. The Talking Information Center, a Massachusetts network of radio reading services, began in 1977 in Marshfield. Audio Journal, the Worcester affiliate, began broadcasting in 1987 with five volunteers to 300 listeners from an unus