IF YOU'RE HEARING THE SUMMIT FOR THE FIRST TIME, YOU'RE NOT ALONE! THE BIRTHDAY OF THE SUMMIT WAS MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 14TH. THANKS SO MUCH H FOR CHECKING US OUT…AND PLEASE BE SURE TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT ROCK WITHOUT THE HARD EDGE ON THE SUMMIT / 103.9 WUMT !!!CONCEPT:The Summit / 103.9 WUMT is geared to folks who enjoy the rock sound they grew up with (70s and early 80s)‚Ķbut don‚Äôt care for the ‚Äòhard edge‚Äô of heavy metal. Our listeners enjoyed partying when they were growing up‚Ķbut now they have professional careers and want to live vicariously through their favorite radio station! * Live and Local ‚ÄúRock without the Hard Edge‚Äù from Aerosmith, the Stones, ZZ Top, Billy Joel, etc! * We love the music as much as you do ‚Äì that‚Äôs why we never talk over the beginning of favorite songs. * Limited commercial inventory – only eight units per hour (maximum). * Summit Information Breaks (news, weather, sports, business) in morning drive.