Welcome to DJQUICK-E-MUSICDJQUICK-E-MUSIC- has been up since about December 2005 The focus of the site and radio station is to spread music around, including mine. My station is more geared towards 3 genres- all types of breaks, trance, house. I may not have the best skills,but I really enjoy the music. I am only a one man operation I do have guest dj's from time to time, I wanted to thank all the dj's that have done live shows for me!Big up to you all,I record most of all my live shows, they are then put in a play list after the live shows,so you an check it out anytime 24/7. I also have download areas to download my past live shows one for video/audio, one for audio only-just go to navigation area and click on download past live shows-Video, download past shows-audio-your set.WANTED TO GIVE A BIG UP TO ANA HECTOR she is the one that made my banner for me 3 years ago!! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! some content on my site(radio station) may contain some strong language at times.