G Town Radio
G-town Radio is an internet radio station that broadcast 24 hours a day. We are located in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. Our mission is s to become an outlet for local content, community news and great music.Learn more about G-town Radio in the Press section of our site. Need to reach someone at G-town Radio? Send an instant message during live shows to gtownradio or call us in the studio at 215-609-4301. If no one is in the studio visit our Contact page to reach us be email or snail mail. The Importance of Local Media Since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 the media industry has seen rapid consolidation of ownership into the hands of a few massive conglomerates. Newspaper, radio and television owners continually seek the further relaxing of regulations to expand their scope and influence. The barriers of entry into these traditional forms of media have made grassroots or contrary points of view difficult or impossible to express. Localism is drowned out. The best interests