Hank FM – WLHK
Here's what you could win this week, just by playing the Morning Mindbender with Dave O'Brien: ‚Ä¢ Passes to "Gnomeo and Juliet" at any Regal Cinema where the film is playing ——————————————————————————–Did you miss one of the questions or answers? Check here daily for the latest update!Wednesday 2/16/11According to a recent survey 10% of parents admit their kids go to school with this even though they shouldn't.Answer: The flu! – 66% of adults admit going to work with the fluTuesday 2/15/1115% of American women bought these for themselves yesterday.Answer: FlowersMonday 2/14/11 According to a recent survey, women buy 85% of these each year, which could get a lot of guys in trouble today.Answer: Valentine's Day cardsFriday 2/11/11According to a recent survey 18% of pet owners will be buying this for their pets this weekend.Answer: Valentine's Day giftsThursday 2/10/11The average size of this has shrunk b