Born out of a pioneering spirit and a passion for music we have developed HotMix106.com to bring you the best FREE music on this big beautiful planet we call earth.**************************** Volunteers are the mainstay of HotMix106.com and the key to our success. Did you know that all of the DJ‚Äôs/Hosts at HotMix106.com are volunteers? We also have many volunteers who help "behind the scenes" to keep the station going and growing. HotMix106.com has many volunteers who have been with the station for over five years – people just love HotMix106.com! Goran Sarjos (Goranimal), founded & launched HotMix106.com in December 06.Goran retired in Feb 08 and Cory Marcus took ownership. We maintain strong alliances with "Goranimal" as his brilliance and insight are much respected. So with that said, thank you Goranimal, read more… It's more than great radio and great music, it's the people at HotMix106.com that make it so special! Volunteering is fun and reward