KRFC 88.9 – KRFC
KRFC's mission is to make great radio that is local, noncommercial, and volunteer powered. KRFC Staff, and White Cat Pink We are a non-profit public radio station that serves the Northern Colorado region. Our vision is to be recognized as a respected voice of the community, creating a sense of place through excellent radio programming. KRFC broadcasts diverse music, local news and local public affairs. Our shows are programmed and hosted by Volunteers who donate more than 40,000 hours of their time to bring you the great programming you love. In fact, more than 90% of our programming is hosted by real people from Northern Colorado people you probably know!KRFC is a 501c(3) corporation that is governed by a volunteer board of directors who are elected by members of KRFC to create Station Policies. KRFC has three paid staff who help keep things running as smoothly as possible. Programming on KRFC is determined by the Station Manager with the input of staff and the Programming Commit