Newstalk 1460 – KZNT – the Leading Conservative and Political Opinion Website is the #1 conservative website. pulls together political commentary and analysis from over 100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio and a community of millions of grassroots conservatives. is designed to amplify those conservative voices in America‚Äôs political debates. By uniting the nations‚Äô top conservative radio hosts with their millions of listeners, breaks down the barriers between news and opinion, journalism and political participation — and enables conservatives to participate in the political process with unprecedented ease. As a part of Salem Communications Corporation, features Salem‚Äôs News/Talk radio hosts, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Medved, and Dennis Prager, who are heard on over 300 stations nationwide. Of our five hosts, three are among the