Radio Maria USA – KNIR
The Start of Radio Maria. Radio Maria was born as a parish radio in 1983 in the diocese of Milan, Italy. Radio Maria’s purpose was to keep parishioners informed and to help them through prayer and even through the broadcast of daily Mass and the Rosary. In 1987, the Radio Maria Association was formed by laymen and priests hoping to give Radio Maria independence from the parish and a larger scale in its commitment of evangelization. Within three years, the program schedule had been completely redesigned, and all of Italy’s regions were covered with the signal, making Radio Maria Italia a National Broadcasting Station.The World Family is born.Radio Maria Italia, grateful for having experienced the maternal guidance and grace of the Blessed Mother, felt the desire to communicate, with a missionary spirit, such gifts with other nations. This is how the various Radio Maria’s were founded throughout the world. The World Family, established in 1998, was the natural consequence of the fo