The Drive – WCCP-FM
WCCP is the only 24 hour, all sports, FM station in the Upstate! 91% of the WCCP audience is between the ages of 18-54 96% of the WCCP audience is male79% of the WCCP audience owns their own home71% of the WCCP audience have gone to college or have a college degree or higher40% of the WCCP audience make $50,000 or more31% of the WCCP audience makes $75,000 or more17% of the WCCP audience makes $100,000 or moreThe WCCP listener is primarily a well-educated, affluent, professional businessman between the ages of 18-54 who is a sports enthusiast. WCCP – we're all talk—and people are listening!Want to advertise with us?Please call Chris Downey, WCCP General Sales Manager at 864-654-4004 or email to chris@wccpfm.com.We now have advertising packages and rates for all day programs plus the Atlanta Braves, Clemson Sports, the Carolina Panthers, and more! Super advertising opportunities for your business or service on the fastest growing radio station in the Upstate!Source: The Radio Lis