The Flow
The flow is a radio station that plays real music and reports real news 24 hours a day. We pride ourselves on live programming, localizing radio and being community oriented. We encourage you to call in, text in, instant message and email our radio show host during their program. We enjoy attending and broadcasting at local events. We accept no payola for songs that we play and we go by this rule in regards to airplay "If it is good then we will play it"!Im4RADIO is a network that delivers a new style of radio stations and programming to cities across the nation. We are mainly internet based (accessible through any internet connection including your phone). We represent the listeners, artist, hosts and DJ's who have been underrepresented in the mainstream. We provide programming to terrestrial radio (AM & FM) as well as satellite programming. Our programming categories for our stations include rap, rock, jazz, soul, R&B, comedy, talk, lounge and inspirational. Ind