As many of our members who moved to Birmingham from other parts of the country began to express to the church leadership how much they missed access to the Moody Broadcasting Network, Briarwood began to investigate the possibility of building our own radio station so we might carry Moody’s programming. At first, we attempted re-transmitting the Moody network from a station in Chattanooga, TN, via low powered translators, but the weak signal proved ineffective.So Tom Leopard, the church administrator at that time, began the tedious process of applying to the Federal Communications Commission for a broadcasting license. After 10 years of prayer and hard work, the FCC granted us a construction permit and the last education FM frequency in Birmingham. We began broadcasting Feb. 20, 1998.WLJR's station is located in Briarwood Presbyterian Church, and the transmit antenna is located high atop Double Oak Mountain. The Lord blessed us with a great tower location! The signal has been hear