World Wide Bluegrass Radio
We are The WWB, WorldWideBluegrass.com (.org, .net) A streaming Bluegrass internet-only station with offices in Newport, KY. Our intentions at World Wide Bluegrass, are to o promote and preserve the genre of Bluegrass music and the heritage of the Appalachian Mountain peoples, throughout the world, by promoting, and educating the general public in an entertaining format of Bluegrass music and to make them aware of the existence of Bluegrass music from all around the world.This will be done through webcasting & streaming, live informational programs, festivals, concerts via our website and its live programming and streams.We enjoy full Bluegrass Record Label support from all major and most small independent labels, with their artists' new releases, so our music is always cutting edge and yet honoring the traditions and pioneers, as well, at The WWB.We rely on the financial support of the Bluegrass community including, listeners & sponsors, to offset website & station exp