Z88.3 FM – WPOZ
Z88.3 is, or should we say are, non-commercial Christian radio stations WPOZ, WMYZ, WHYZ and translator stations (see list below) serving Orlando and all of Central Florida. Z88.3 is owned by Central Florida Educational Foundation, Inc., and operated by Z Ministries, Inc., both local not for profit corporations with the mission to make the Central Florida communities we serve a better place to live by providing families with a spiritual anchor and news, weather and emergency information needed to keep the family informed, safe and encouraged.We fund ourselves by our listeners generous donations. If you wish to make a donation, that would be greatly appreciated! You could drop a check in the mail, or, you may use a credit card with our secure server. (Checks should be made out to Z88.3). Z Ministries, Inc. and Central Florida Educational Foundation, Inc. are recognized by the IRS as charitable under §501(c)(3) of the tax code. Therefore all donations to the organizations are tax deduct